Equity allocation for WEB3 ecosystem Tokens
D3D META Tokens are allocated proportionally to each medal owner. During the Token freeze period, if the medal owner transfers the medal to another address, the medal owner is considered to have automatically withdrawn from MIZU DAO, and the equity allocation for Tokens related to the medal are also transferred to the address to which it is transferred.
At the end of the medal freeze period, Tokens generated by the WEB3 ecosystem during the freeze period are unconditionally distributed to the medal owner.
The Token equities in the WEB3 ecosystem, asset equities of Treasury, equities of MIZU CHAIN will be transferred with the medal. Different roles have other different equities in the WEB3 ecosystem: For example, each member of D3D META with a Medal of Investor can be a creator.
To be a member of Content Review Board of D3D META, members need to hold a Medal of Contributor or above.
To have the right to use the digital human and digital space, members need to hold a Medal of Opinion Leader or above.
Last updated